Hi. I'm Alysha.
I am passionate about everything education. From supporting my tutors in my tutoring centre to supporting the families who entrust my company with the educational support for their children.
Education is my number ONE passion.
As a teacher of English and History, I am passionate about bringing learning to life in the classroom AND working to fit the learning puzzle together for students, families and our teaching community.
In my ongoing work with HSC students in English as a tutor, I am here to use my wealth of knowledge to support English teachers in building connection with and for their students .... in a clear, sustainable and heart-led way. My mission is to help teachers make the content they know and love, accessible for all students, no matter what challenges they may be facing.
Along with my passion for tutoring, teaching and connecting the puzzle, I am a learning difficulties expert, Irlen screener, parent advocate, children's author, yoga teacher, closet musician and a mumma to 2 beautiful daughters!

These are just for you.

Free Checklist
Starting in a new school? Make sure you are asking the right questions from the minute you walk in the school gate!

Free Webinar
Want to know how you can change your teaching to help boost your HSC Student results? Jump in to access this webinar!

"Unwavering support as an upcoming first year teacher!"
I am incredibly grateful for Alysha Griffiths' unwavering support as an upcoming first year teacher. Her dedication and responsiveness to all questions has been instrumental to my confidence in teaching in a classroom, providing me with all of the support, questions to ask and simple guidance in becoming a graduate teacher. Her professional development program offers graduate teachers with the support of a fairy godmother some may say, someone who you can ask ALL of the questions to, big or small.